The event, hosted by Clifton Robinsons, in conjunction with England Hockey, is an opportunity for all members of the Clifton Robinsons Family, to get together and have a day of relaxed fun hockey & games and as always is an excuse to eat and drink lots of food!
This year the sun was out and we basked in temperatures of around 25 degrees. Thank you to our two social secretaries Matt and Tara with help from last year’s secretary Jen, who put so much hard work into organising the day, which included: splat the rat, soak the coach, fun games and activities and of course a BBQ! Thank you also to Pete from Smyth Sports Photography for coming along to capture all the fun on camera.
Around 30 kids joined in the fun hockey games, which were mixed abilities, and even some parents wielded a stick or two!
We hope you all had fun.