Here are some frequently asked questions to help you find the information you would like to see:
- What is my ClubBuzz account?
- Why set up a Direct Debit?
- How do I know what I’ve been charged for?
- What if I’ve been charged incorrectly?
- When does the season start / finish?
- If I register, what am I committing to?
- Is training just in term time?
- What are the annual subs?
- What are the match fees?
- Do you have to have official Clifton Robinsons kit to play / train?
- Where can you buy club kit?
- Where do the different age groups / teams train?
- Who is coaching the different age groups / teams?
- What day is training?
- Will there be any indoor hockey?
- How are the squads selected?
- Who is the Academy for?
1. What is my ClubBuzz account?
This is an online account where you can manage your personal details that the Hockey Club requires to maintain your registration. It will include all contact details as well as emergency contacts and all members will have a personal financial account. All charges, eg membership subscriptions and match fees will be made to this account. We strongly encourage a Direct Debit is set up via your account to ensure regular and timely payment.
2. Why set up a Direct Debit?
By setting up a direct debit, you will assist the club administration teams by ensuring timely payment of any fees you incur. This will also ensure that you do not accrue a large outstanding bill.
3. How do I know what I’ve been charged for?
ClubBuzz and your online account provides an itemised list of what you are being charged on a monthly invoice. The specifics of each match (if match fee) or other charges will be detailed for clarity.
4. What if I’ve been charged incorrectly?
Please raise any discrepencies in the fees charged to the treasurer or a membership administrator who will happily follow up the issue. If you have been charged incorrectly, it is possible to issue credits to your account to rectify the situation.
5. When does the season start / finish?
The details on when training sessions start will be issued in due course. Expect to have this information confirmed late August / early September. All fixtures and training sessions will be visible on the club website in the Members area -> Upcoming Events or Events Calendar as they are confirmed.
6. If I register, what am I committing too?
The purpose of you registering / re-registering in ClubBuzz is for you to primarily signal your intent to join / re-join the club in September. This club will then reserve a membership place for you. Should your circumstances change from registering to the beginning of the season then we can amend your status. This is most important in the junior membership where we look to offer out places to new members as spaces become available.
7. Is training just in term time?
For teams and groups that are targeted at Juniors we will typically host sessions during term dates. However, occasionally there may be a session outside of term time as these are not always the same for every school. Follow the schedule on the club website in the Members area -> Upcoming Events or Events Calendar.
8. What are the annual subs?
For the main season running from September through to April the can be found on the website under About the Club -> Subscriptions and Match Fees.
9. What are the match fees?
Details on the match fees can be found on the club website under About the Club -> Subscriptions and Match Fees.
10. Do you have to have official Clifton Robinsons kit to play / train?
Club kit is not required to attend training. Ideally to represent the club in a match you would have a club playing shirt, but if you don’t have one, a suitably coloured alternative can be worn. For Junior and Mini’s fixtures, whilst we encourage people to invest in their own playing shirt, there are shirts that can be provided.
11. Where can you buy club kit?
At our online shop. Please refer to the club website About the Club -> Club Kit.
12. Where do the different age groups / teams train?
This information will be posted on the club website About the Club -> Training page. Please note, every summer this is subject to change for the following season and can often only be confirmed at the beginning of September. Once members have been allocated to their appropriate training slots, this will be communicated out in good time for the first session.
13. Who is coaching the different age groups / teams?
These details will be confirmed as the season gets underway and published on the club website under About the Club -> Club Coaches. Please appreciate that due to the fact that we rely on volunteers to deliver our coaching, there are many dimensions to planning coaches and training groups. We aim to have a regular coach for each group / session and this will become clear as the season gets underway.
14. What day is training?
During the summer months, the planning for the different training groups and session nights is happening. Whilst we aim to keep the same sessions on the same nights as the previous season, there may be cases where this needs to change. For personal planning purposes, assume the same evening as the previous season. This information will be determined by 1st September.
15. Will there be indoor hockey?
We annually run indoor hockey for both senior men and ladies through December and January. In recent seasons we have developed a junior indoor calendar which we aim to continue and build upon.
16. How are the squads selected?
Senior team Saturday League squads are selected by the relevant coaches and coaching teams working using a Selection Policy that has been developed per section to ensure fairness.
Junior England Hockey age group squads / competitions are selected by the allocated squad coach who will liaise with the wider coaching team to assess who to pick whilst following our Selection Policy. They may also look to run trial sessions if this would assist them.
Avon Junior League Hockey squads are used to provide hockey opportunities to all members in that age category so are not selected on performance but more geared up for participation.
Girls Academy places are selected by the Academy coaches with input from the wider coaching team. There will be the introduction of trials in 2019 / 2020 to fairly assess who should join the Academy.
For information on the Selection Policy, please contact the coaching team.
17. Who is the Academy for?
The ladies section have introduced an Academy programme for the higher level juniors. This runs for U18 and U15 age groups and is by invite only but is available for current members and new members. Typically, a bi-weekly skills training sessions are run from Sept-Dec allowing our coaches to focus on the individuals involved and help them progress their personal development. We aim to run in the weeks when the Performance Centre training is not scheduled to avoid heavy workloads on players.