Collection of all Fees will be made Monthly by Invoicing & a Direct Debit through ClubBuzz and be taken on the 1st day of every month

Club Subs will be paid in 4 Instalments and assigned on the 14th day of the following months November December January and February.

Anyone not on Direct Debit will be charged an extra administration fee of £20 charged in 4 instalments of £5 in November December January and February.

For the 2024 – 2025 season, the fees are as follows:

Please note,

Annual Subscription includes access to at least one training session per week during the regular season.

Occasionally Extra sessions will be put on and these will be chargeable at the usual match rate.

Additional Training for 1’s & 2’s players are reflected within their Fees paid.

Indoor Hockey training will be charged at the usual match Rate

Any training sessions during the summer will be charged at the summer match rate

Where a team has elected to have Home teas, Everyone playing Home or Away will pay an additional £3.00 Supplementary Payment.

Age is calculated in line with The England Hockey Age Groups (01/09/2024)

This is reviewed annually and amendments issued and approved at the AGM.